A thousand seconds are 16 minutes and 40 seconds.

A million seconds are 11 days and 14 hours.

A billion seconds are 31 years and 251 days.


If one second represents one dollar:

The average American household annually brings in 18 hours worth of dollars.

Bernie Sanders is worth 30 days.

Elizabeth Warren is worth 140 days.

Rachel Maddow is worth 232 days.

Mitch McConnell is worth 312 days.

George Stephanopoulos is worth 1 year and 98 days.

Nancy Pelosi is worth 1 year and 310 days.

Sean Hannity is worth 8 years.

Charles Koch is worth 1300 years.

Michael Bloomberg is worth 1691 years.

Mark Zuckerberg is worth 2205 years.

Warren Buffet is worth 2560 years.

Jeff Bezos is worth 3612 years.

And you, the average American, brings in annually 18 hours.  Not even 80% of a single day.